eARTh art by Azul Thome FULL MESSAGE of WATER The Message of Water is 4 Years old today... we have reached the last year of its guidance, what does it mean to us humans? TO SUPPORT YOU WHEN YOU READ THE MESSAGE and AFTERWARDS...TENDING TO OUR HEART AND SOUL when reading the MESSAGE This message of deep entangled Love might touch you in unexpected ways. Perhaps it will bring up some deep emotions to your hearts and eyes. May it be so. I invite each one of you to set up a sacred ritual space to unburden your heart and bring flow to your emotions. To set up before during and after the reading. . It is inspired by a Dagara ritual: WHAT TO BRING <<<Fill half of a bowl of water <<<gather a few small stones that you place around the bowl (see drawing above) WHAT TO DO When you feel that your heart gets heavy, that emotions want to move...pick up a stone and tell her of your pain, your grief, your anger, your sorrow, fear, numbness., heaviness, paralysis ~ when you have told her that first wave of the stone in the bowl of water. Do that as many times as you need to, alone or with other humans. AFTERwards You might want to keep the bowl, the water and the stones set up that way for 2-3 more days to keep doing that little ritual. Then ...give the water to a living plant/trees, return the stones to where they came from and make your thanks. I pick mine from the river Dart. DECOLONISING our RITUALS A way I practice when I want to 'take' something. <<< I arrive presenting myself with my full name, I state my intention, I make an offering of flowers, seeds or song I then ask for what I came for and need. If it is a 'yes' I will pick them up and make a pledge to return them with our human heart a little bit more entangled with all we love than before... they like that, so do I ! It is a way to decolonise our rituals. It transform the old appropriation in all we do into a reciprocal, intimate and animistic way of being. The heart of all living beings benefit from these actions. >>> Finally Grief does not wish to seat alone, she is part of Four Sisters: Grief, Love, Death, reBirth... So make sure your have enough cushions for them Four Sisters of the Last Forest on Earth Inshgaia! Azul-Valérie Thomé And here to keep you in good company, is a beautiful ceremonial song ~ inspired by the Message of Water ~ by our dear Ayla Schafer
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
April 2024