I am dreaming and seeing a returning to our Earth all our jewels made of silver/gold/platinum, all our 'healing' gemstones and our coral back to our Earth and Ocean. (no plastic or led) #returntoearthwhatwasstolen
In my twenties I was a silversmith and a goldsmith. I worked with gemstones, amber and sometimes diamonds. I was successful very fast caught into the seduction, sparkles and the spell of making what made people shine, what made me shine in their eyes. In the mid 90's After a life changing meeting with other awakening craftspeople our grief of the impact of our work broke us down...we could not carry on doing what we were doing...now I see that we broke down to kiss our Earth again. We were blinded to the horrendous impact of materials and methods used to extract our raw material... Some of our pieces were for 'healing'. We used stones with 'healing powers'. We met in trade shows comparing and leaking our lips as we touched and felt the colours, luminosity and potentiality of each gem. Mining into the Her ribs...dynamites and drills so deep Extracting with chemicals running down our rivers and soil... The impact on small communities of humans and non humans around the mines...the workers in the mines...the rich getting richer... The chemicals I used as a jeweller were very toxic. I kept turning a blind eye to where the waste was going but gradually I was seeing...feeling...horrified and wailing from the core of our Mother Earth rapped and brutalised body. I was part of the stealing and raping of our Earth. I contributed financially and creatively to her children ongoing slavery and deaths for a few to become wealthy in £$€ etc... Last month as I packed for SOUland Pilgrimage I looked into a box I have carried for more than 20 years with a few pieces I had made and others. I hade carried that box all this time not knowing what to do then I heard: 'Return them all to me, to my backbones, my mountains and to my oceans. Call the others of your species to join you with their gemstones and precious metal pieces and plant them back into me. It will be healing for all'. So I will. I am inviting you to join me if you feel touched, moved or inspired to return what was stolen from our Earth back to Her in ceremony. Return to Earth what was Stolen...one gemstone at a time...one gold piece at a time #returntoearthwhatwasstolen #souland
We like to sell Truths like we do popcorns at a cheap movie ~ it gives a moment of landing and connection, they fill our bellies and we fall on our backs satiated but never nourished. These Pop Truths seem to offer a trapping reassurance that something in our world is nice, constant, unchanged,. Something to count on and belong to and yet... How much damage is created with that laziness of Soul?
Truths lead the Brave, the enWidening and the Curious ones to their desired thresholds, to the Gates of Mystery. That is their purpose, their deepest longings, their Genius and their give aways. Truths call us to let go of that momentarily spell bound comfort of a certain boring and slow death . - ‘Don't stay with us’. Truths seem to say - ‘We are but guides to the rhythms and dance of Soul. Keep Walking after a moment of delight or despair.' Truths bring us to the Wild edges of what we know. To the swirling living alchemising imagination. They lead us to that start of a enquiry, not time to build temples there where it was given...no Truths call for your inner Pilgrim to Journey. If alive each Truth keep transmuting through her seasons in a living responding labyrinth, the one of psyche. Unless our Psyche got replaced with dogmas and certainties. When we love Truths like hungry frightened abandoned infants we will hang on to them so long sometimes through generations, through our cultures and our spiritual maps. Then they become barbed wire around our vitality our connection to our sensuous and wild inner songs. All religions was a moment of divine arousal coming from a Truth, a Tree or Water. An awakening occurred from a temporarily sacred gift ... We then made a whole culture based on this moment that had moved on perhaps at the next tide, shading leaves of that generous tree or the moon cycle...then we colonise our Soul If we stop and refuse to cross these cosmological thresholds that Truths guide us to then these Gates will evaporate, our Soul will dry out, our Truths become dogmas, tired, depressed. Danger will then seat by their side salivating for more deaths. We see that in all spiritual, religious, economical, medical, educational ... and political systems (fill the gap) So let me tell you the Truth (hehehe)...and then let’s cross that threshold leading to ... LIVING MYSTERY... Let not the answers become a prison. Let them be a new ring around your thriving tree trunk. Truths can lead to a renewed wildness of our Soul. To place an offering there at the feet of the great gate will be counted and correct. So the Truth is... exiting! May all I said not be true but rather an Invitation to crossing this Wild Gate... Azul-Valerie Thome |
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
October 2024