I am writing with gathering butterflies in my belly to let you know about the most adventurous vision I have ever followed and activating as I type ~ it is called : SOULand Pilgrimage 2018 which started on 2nd January this year by the river Dart~ 13 Lands, 13 Water, 13 Hosts and 13 Pilgrimages completing on 21st January 2019. It will be followed with a book ~ gathering the harvested of shared stories of the many ways and practices for the caring, feeding and maturing of our Human Soul.
I will be travelling with SOULand's bundle of Grief Composting, WomBelt: Weaving Women back into Matter, Soul&Sanity making conversations with Grief, Love, Death and Life the four sisters of our last forest. We will offer Water ceremonies. One2One mentoring will carry on for a handful of people. eARTh infused with rituals will be the gold thread of the pilgrimage. The relationship between Water, Women and Soul will also inform the ongoing active prayer journey. You can follow me and join us if you can in Totnes, California, France, Sicily, Belgium, Malvern, Ireland, Scotland, Bristol and Totnes for our LIFE CAIRN. Switzerland, Canada and Slovenia are also being considered at present... See HERE for full list of the various countries I will be actively praying with and where I will share what is emerging. I will be moving following the invitations, what is being revealed and the rhythm of the moon throughout the year. There are ways of supporting this SOUL maturing Pilgrimage journey with our newly hatched crowdfunding ~ set up by two dear sisters who have my back! If you want to be kept informed about SOULand Pilgrimage 2018 enter your email HERE to receive SOULand Newsletters Blessings on all our journeys and offerings as we get increasingly tempered and more than ever...needed! . Azul-Valerie Thome for SOULand and for my mother (who died 3 months ago) and the 2000 generations behind...it is time to live this wild and precious Life while we can...for the living and for the dead. Thank you for reading and for your support. See you perhaps weaving the gold thread somewhere on our astonishing little blue Home. The cost of our success is the exhaustion of natural resources, leading to energy crises, climate change, pollution, and the destruction of our habitat. If you exhaust natural resources, there will be nothing left for your children. If we continue in the same direction, humankind is headed for some frightful ordeals, if not extinction. Before we go extinct 12 species a day disappear in response to our amnesia and anaesthesia .
This morning as I sang to Water and Sun I was grief stricken as I remembered how the West African Black Rhinoceros also bathed and drunk that water as well as the Pyrenean Ibex, Passenger Pigeon, Quagga, Caribbean Monk Seal, Sea Mink, Tasmanian Tiger, Tecopa Pupfish and all my extinct relatives. I felt moved to speak to them all, my tears mixing and binding together the past, present and future. All in motion, spiralling in what time and space might really be like...constantly accessible. I told them of our Totnes Life Cairn. I spoke the ones created before in honour of them all ~ to place their bones and return their soul to soil... I told them that we will also celebrate the ones who are still with us. I drunk a glass of water just now and heard their grunting, flaps, songs, scratch and their intimacy with their lives then. In each drop of Water is the whole of everything and everyone at all time. My and your praises, tears and committing to a life of give away - for Life to thrive, for water to be our teacher again as she so longs to be once more... 'Bring them to me Water said, bring them to me and they will heal' Our Life Cairn in Totnes will be laid down on our soil on 30th November 2018. Our first community meeting is in Totnes on Thursday 11th January at 6pm at Ben's Wine & Tapas for all eARThist, artists and lovers who would like to 'weave' and bring into form this soulful and sanity making memorial. Much love ❤ Azul 07765257517 You can find the black (gone) and red (endangered) list on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: OUR FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE: www.facebook.com/events/1773741646245298/ OTHER LIFE CAIRNS: Thelifecairn |
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
October 2024