WATER has an important message for humanity, according to Azul-Valerie Thome, animist and founder of SOULand: Making the World of our Longing One Maturing Soul at a Time... Animist is the world’s oldest known belief system, predating even paganism. It is the belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Azul told Reconnect that water has been speaking to her for the last two years. She said: “It is time for me to take a leap of faith and share one of water’s messages with you. Because nothing else matters more to me right now than giving voice to something other than humans. This is an excerpt of the message… “All of us; soil, water, plants, air, animals and all ancestors are calling you humans, to us... so we can save your species. We know and have known for a while that you do not have much time left if you do not wake up to your birthright belonging to earth and come home soon, real, real soon. We keep dying, we keep giving away our lives to shake you up from a deep and very long amnesia. Once you can allow the truth and quality of such love to permeate through your traumatised being and desolate soul you will wake up from a life time of anaesthesia to your immense grief and capacity for love.” The full message is available at: http://www.souland.org/conversations-with-grief-and-water.html with responses from Jon Young, Francis Weller, Pat Mc Cabe, Manda Scott and others Azul admits to being “shattered” by the messages, filled with “spiralling loneliness” and of fearing the reaction of others. Despite this, she feels compelled to speak out, saying: “There is something emerging in our dying world that deserves to be courted and longed for...new words...new context and tribes are forming... can you hear them? I know that I am not alone listening to our new world with a living imagination and longing soul.” Azul is inviting people who share her beliefs and sensitivities to stay in touch and share their stories. She is also offering to act an animist mentor. For more information email: [email protected] or +44 (0)7765257517. www.souland.org Article written by Kate Philbin at Reconnect. Thank you! Azul
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
October 2024