![]() YOU ARE INVITED TO A Beautiful 'SOULand' VISIONARY WEEKEND of Listening, Creativity and Mystery... What is this weekend about? A multilayered experimental Vision I hold is to create a SOUL Hospital and School called SOULand. A place that witnesses and welcomes the homecoming of Soul through Various Soul Rituals, Life stages Initiations, Rites of Passage, eARTh; Making the world of our Longing through Sacred Arts, Ceremonies and other Soul Food. A place to listen, be and retrieve what has been sent into exile through traumas, inherited grief and our planetary crisis. A place where all theses Ways can be remembered and shared. If you are interested in hearing about the emerging Vision of SOULand: Soul School and Hospital...and experiencing some of it. put these dates in your diary: Sat 15th Oct and Sun 16th Oct in Dartington Village Hall (cott road) Also I will be exhibiting all the eARTh I have been creating the last few months on my travels of the 'SOULSonglines'- a Way of Listening to the land and water through images. And 2 eARTh; Making the World of our Longing... workshops are open to be booked in the afternoons of Sat and Sun Nervous and excited about bringing this Vision to our World...making the world of our Longing inspires me. :-) It is also part of my MA in Ecological Design at Schumacher College so your visit is very much appreciated! You can join us on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/150534055385870/ and BOOK for the week end various parts here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/souland-open-exhibition-earth-workshops-tickets-27352922327 "On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ― Arundhati Roy. I came back to Devon 2 years ago to start a Masters at Schumacher College. I left almost everything that was familiar behind, all but a precious bundle of treasured belongings. Inside my tiny bundle lived a big question: What do you need from me now Mother Earth? ... Listening began, a new way of listening to what is needed for our times from within being all that exist... Songlines... 6 months ago I left England driving south to the mountains of my childhood with another question wrapped in Golden threads: 'What am I made of ?'. ~~~ on SATURDAY 15th & SUNDAY 16th OCTOBER 2016 ~~~10am to 12:30 - MORNINGS: You are invited to enter the SOULand Vision/Open Space & to my first eARTh EXHIBITION, coming from my latest travelling: 'SOUL Songlines' On both mornings, please book your FREE ticket so I can update you on what is emerging. It is Free in the mornings, it is just that I might need to ask you to bring a little mystery with you... 12:30 to 13:30 CLOSED to SETUP WORKSHOPS 13:30 to 16:30 - AFTERNOONS: INVITATIONs to MAKE eARTh with me for a small introductory cost of £29 for a 3 hours workshop. We will create and explore...Sacred Art, Art as Prayer and eARTh... through the making of an Altar or a Talking Piece or a Prayer Bag - for the Making of the World of your Longing...(Limited to 12 people) You are welcome to book both workshops if you want to deepen with your eARTh piece. This experimental Event will be woven in the Masters in Ecological Design I am presently completing at Schumacher College. Please Book for all parts of the event it would really help me out as I can then contact you with updates I look forward to seeing you soon! Azul Azul-Valerie Thome (07765257517) feel free to call me if you want to chat or have questions or email: [email protected].
![]() Dear everyone I am looking for a working WaterMill to create a SOUL Hospital and School called SOULand: 'a Place where Soul can be Welcomed back by the Village!'. I have 'seen' the place for the last 2 years...the river is well and on the left...the mill is large and in stone...the land is luminous with an orchard and gardens to feed...there is a circular building for rituals and ceremonies...a large workshop for eARTh...a large lively kitchen...a community of children, elders, wholing women and men...small entreprises...vibrant and alive! People come to Rest, Restore and Retrieve what is between them and their Wholeness and Connection to All... Others come to learn about SOUL... Have you seen it anywhere? Do you have one and want to give it to this vision? It is time to offer an alternative to the highly medicated and pathologised system of what is called:mental health!!! A place with regular Grief Composting Circles, The Black Tent , Rites of Passage Initiations from Birth throughout Life for All and for the After and Before. A place with Clean sweat lodges, sacred craft, soulful arts, dance, drums, songs, kindness, restoring-real&raw connections. A place of creative beauty where depression is a sign post for a Soul Journey to Begin. I imagine it would be in southern England or France /Portugal/ Spain? I do not have the money but have had enough experience of Visions Activated to believe in them :-) So I am following a vision... looking for a working WaterMill to create a SOUL Hospital and School called : SOULand ♥ 'Take them to the me Water said...they will heal....' There is a Facebook Page for who is interested in the vision: SOULand In anticipation and trust Azul 'Each animal has its own personality, its own character, its power and tells a story They speak to me, they inspire me and I feel the sacred relationship to the animal kingdom and to what is bigger than me and beyond me Azul, you knew beyond your authentic creative talent, with intention how to put something hard to express, something strong, powerful, sacred I have great gratitude for you Azul and thank you for this moment shared together and for this magnificent altar'. (extract from Christophe's moving feedback who just received his Altar- translated from french) An Altar is Born! Few months ago my blood brother opened a sacred door by sharing to a men's Circle the photo of an Altar I had made for my son Roman - A protective Shield with his 4 animal guides as he crossed the Atlantic ocean to move to New York. (See Below) ![]() In the sharing an other Warrior moved forward to commissioned me and entrusting me with something truly sacred: his 8 Animals Guides. The connection was made to be followed by a real and beautiful creative adventure. Hours of Skype call, emails and sketch going back and forth then the making began. (See Below the finished piece)
As many of you I have been feeling great grief, deep hunger and immense longing for a world that is nowhere to be found! A world that we know in our bones we were meant to be met by when we were born. A world with peace where our Warriors know that their sacred work if for the protection of all of Life, where children women and elderly people and sentient beings are sacred. A world where the natural Law for all humans was to preserve and honour Life and our Mother...our Home. A world of Beauty, Belonging and Brave Bounty...
My deepest longings are for Sacred living, for walking the Beauty Way, for Truth and Connection, for the Alignment of our Dreams and Actions. I have been called naive, utopic, over sensitive, to intense, mostly living outside the 'real' world like many of us. Of course I signed the 'contracts' of these statements with my own blood and colluded with these tricksters sent to test! In that signing I placed myself in exile of my own Soul. I lost my 'hearing' my 'sight' my 'senses' and the intimacy with my deepest heart's soul songlines... There is a mysterious 'being' that is birthed in our intimacy with Life. A third entity that I call the Soul Songlines and Gold Threads . You know the one that takes us beyond our fears, our wounding and our ancestral inheritance ...to Make the World of our Longing. I am gifted to meet many beautiful and brave people who are also moved to create this sort of intimacy with Life mostly out of great sufferings. It is perhaps true after all that our Sacred Wound is our Medicine for the world...what a beautiful possibility for us all and for our dearest Earth. So where am taking you to on this word strung track? I would like to invite you to 2 Workshops in Dartington to 'Make the World of Your Longing' through eARTh : Soul Songlines, Sacre Art and Art as Prayer For your diary. You can do one or to go deeper both days: Saturday 15th Oct 10am to 4pm Sunday 16th Oct 10am to 4pm More details coming soon Blessings Azul
I heard it last night read by Robert Bly on a screen in Devon, UK. My heart jolted, squeaked like a strangled dragon. I am so sick of this business as usual, of this being a tourist in life. I dream agitatedly of gatherings of Poets and Artists remembering what is means and doing their/our work of stopping brutality and protecting Life.
I long to seat in council with you and cry and cry out and make and make out the world of our longing! In grief and gratitude xx Azul |
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
October 2024