Today I wrote to two friends with whom I am having a tough time. The tough times comes from wanting to be right, therefore making them wrong. I have been well trained from birth to separate, segregate, compare and compete. My being-ness and soul have been scattered in a million pieces. The whole of my life has been to find the pieces to make a Mosaic of my Self in the context of the whole. I think that is what Peace is, the craft and mastery of gathering the piece of our brokenness and separation to be whole again. War is from the place of separation leading to fear and demonisation of the other. Mosaic's ethymology means Muse, an inspiring Goddess of the Arts . To be right means I know the path I walk on, it is the 'right' one, the one and only one. I know its boundaries and the peripheries of my own prison, I know the jailer and the piece of sky from which I can dream of freedom, how lonely, but safe!. To be wrong is the same prison, a different room with more tools for self torture. When right and wrong are put aside then mystery can be heard. A new re-dynamised way of being is invited to appear and become what I guess is Peace. Peace is a being that knows all there is to know about War but chooses an other Way... As dear Rumi says: “Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make sense any more.” ― Rumi Last week both home-towns of my family were attacked. Beirut and Paris within two days were the victims of a complex and frightening situation within our world. The way I see I can do my bit for this world is by looking inside my own heart and observe where war exists within. There are parts within my own being that fight with one an other, that want to dominate, shame and eradicate, want to be right and make the other wrong etc…you see what I mean…and then I look at the first circle, the first ripple from that place - my home and the people there and of course my family. I can see the work I need to do…and that is I believe the threshold that most of us cannot face…the radical compassion needed to cross it needs our heart to break, to feel it all, to reach out, to soften, to dare to speak and stand for what we love not what we hate, to pray, to pray and pray some more for guidance and support and to praise Mystery, for she is friend with Peace! Azul Comments are closed.
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé: Categories
October 2024