~ Perpetual Choir for the Ash ~ WHAT HAPPENED AND WHEN? WHAT : AN INVITATION for all who love the Ash Tree to sing her healing and regeneration for 24 hours 24 hours of singing for the Tree of Life, the Worlds Tree ~ Yggdrasil WHEN: 2nd February 2020 6am to 6am 3rd February (Imbolc) WHERE: Everywhere on our Earth where ever you are You can choose a slot of an hour or more ( in the calendar ~ see link below ~ so there is always someone singing during the 24 hours) CALENDAR : ADD YOUR SLOT in the doc so we cover 24hours together: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bWtg03Kwd5aBn76tQcba5k0an5Dd92ZF7_M3fBG8v6M/edit?usp=sharing WHY: The Ash tree is very sick on the Islands of England, Cornwall, Wales, Ireland and Scotland and in parts of Europe. Words flying like spores announce 95% of our 90 millions Tree of Life- Yggdrasil - dying back due to a fungus who travelled from East Asia. The spores of the mushroom Chalara enter the leaves and stop water moving inside the trunk of the Ash tree especially the young ones, they then die. So let’s actively Imagine a "Perpetual Choir" for the Tree of Life, for the Ash to sing her back to health, through also singing to the Water, to the bacterias, to the soil and to the fungi Chalara. Imagine a "Perpetual Choir" of humans singing for 24 hours non stop across our Earth for the healing of the 90 million Ash tree and all her relations You bring your Choir, your family and friends to an Ash tree and sing song of beauty and healing. We create together a wave of beneficial and regenerative sound <<<<<Let us know where you are and when you will sing for the Ash tree.>>>>> DEVON: Perpetual Choir for the Ash Tree ~ Devon SUSSEX: Perpetual Choir For The Ash Bognor Regis West Sussex OTHERS CHECK: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bWtg03Kwd5aBn76tQcba5k0an5Dd92ZF7_M3fBG8v6M/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24h is a start, in the past they use to sing 24h a day 7 days a week for the healing of our Earth...let's start with 24 hours INFORMATIONS on the ASH DIE BACK WOODLAND TRUST: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/tree-pests-and-diseases/key-tree-pests-and-diseases/ash-dieback/ YGGDRASIL Yggdrasil: The tree of life In the middle of Asgard, where the Gods and Goddesses lives, is Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the tree of life, and it is an eternal green Ash tree; the branches stretch out over all of the nine worlds in Norse mythology, and extend up and above the heavens. ORIGIN of PERPETUAL CHOIRS Here a little about the origin of The Perpetual Choirs of Britain https://www.soundtravels.co.uk/e-The_Perpetual_Choirs_Tour_of_Britain-1822.aspx What are The Perpetual Choirs Evidence has been found in Britain, Egypt, India and other countries around the world of an ancient tradition of perpetual choirs where people would gather in groups to maintain a continual chant of sacred songs to bring harmony to people and the land. In recent times people have tuned into this idea again and people are coming together in increasing numbers to share in the power of sacred sound. JOIN US WHEREVER YOU LIVE AND SING< CHANT< SOUND to support the TREE, the SOIL, the FUNGI, the WATER, the BACTERIAS, the MYCELIUM to grow a capacity for DEEP ADAPTATION and REGENERATION with Love and Cœurage Earth Wisdom Tenders GROUP FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1007936169560128/ “Ten times a day something happens to me like this - some strengthening throb of amazement - some good sweet empathic ping and swell. This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.” Mary Oliver England, Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Canada, America all joined see below some of the Ash trees and honouring.
from Grief Composting to Deep Belonging |
And with the help of the ones who matter, dead and still alive We are talking about how the fox will soon stop singing to the river, how the river will miss the birds, how the wolf might even be forgotten by the stars ~ what will happen to the love songs of the wind when the trees are all gone? We are talking about children, women and men all now homeless due to wars, floods, fires or are they dead at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea without even a 'I am sorry'! | Back from a walk in the dark woods. This came. If I hear 'Climate Change' one more time I will clump my trembling fists till my nails touch my bones I will stump my feet covered in red ochre until they bleed back to earth I will then roar so deep for my bones to rattle out of their cage in a kaleidoscope of fierce mad keening stances I will dance until all the veneer falls away And with the help of the ones who matter, dead and still alive we will gather to reveal the true wild erotic sensuality of who we are truly talking about when we say 'Climate Change'... We are talking about the sweetest of songs from beings who will never meet us and who we will never meet ~ disappearing without a slither of a farewell ~ each night 200 more even this one night... We are talking about the deep well of talents in the vast courting choreographies of all sentient beings ~ here for millions of years ~ now withering away at such speed that our restless sleeps dream of holding our breath ~ to stop time or at least to slow it down We are talking about the millions of the finest invisible gold threads, of intricate unfathomably beautiful connections between all that is life, now raped to shred by the claws of the blood thirsty machines ~ spell bound by thick cables, by greed and by the insatiable need for numbing and forgetting what we've done... We are talking about all the people who increasingly question bringing babies into this world ~ placing dams in their soul to not feel the deaths of their inconceivable unborn children We are talking about how the fox will soon stop singing to the river, how the river will miss the birds, how the wolf might even be forgotten by the stars ~ what will happen to the love songs of the wind when the trees are all gone? We are talking about children, women and men all now homeless due to wars, floods, fires or are they dead at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea without even a 'I am sorry'! We are talking about the change that happened in our souls and hearts 5000 years ago when we left ~ in our sickened mind ~ the web of all that was bound to our sacred Earth. When we talk about 'Climate Change' ~ Aren't we really talking about our awakening fierce love for all that is lost...for all that is about to be lost tonight and tomorrow ? Let's have the decency, the cœurage to use the words that touch the heart of the Matter and for all that Matters... Tonight it hurts to 'see', it is one of these wild nights with nowhere to hide, numb or distract. Keeping loving in our times is what is required...How to keep actively loving what we are loosing so fast is the practice, the task, the sacred contract of our time. Azul Valerie Thome |
Soul whispered to me of "pathosophy" (the wisdom of suffering) since being a child.
It will be through our willingness to be tempered, to walk with a broken heart, to compost collectively our immense grief and the courage to make amend, restore and regenerate the soil & soul of our beautiful home that we may know what it is to be a true human being. Whether we like it or not we are being initiated and 'passaged' into the next phase of being humans here on Earth. Like many of you I was diagnosed, pathologised, institutionalised and medicalised due to behaving 'oddly' and attempting suicide a few times. | Since being a child I have been wondering how to transform suffering into wisdom, into a gift for Life. As a Soul Activist ~ my whole life is now radically (rooted) in service to the sacredness of all Life. That clarity of purpose is a great ally. To be a Give Away for the thriving of all life, as all other species do, is a sort of homecoming in a world filled with homeless orphans lost between being alive and dead. Whether we like it or not we are being initiated and 'passaged' into the next phase of being humans here on Earth. All rites of passage can become a sacred initiation or it can stay a rough unprepared, unaccompanied and unwelcome initiation. It is up to us and to our capacity to create the world of our longing, the world of Soul, the world of the Soul of our Earth. Soul will always take us to the next edge of maturation and Homecoming. Our separation with all that Matters, with all that is made of matter is making life so very ill. It will be through our willingness to be tempered, to walk with a broken heart, to compost collectively our immense grief and the courage to make amend, restore and regenerate the soil & soul of our beautiful home that we may know what it is to be a true human being. |
Life is challenge. Life works us ~ as would a blacksmith who take a piece of steel to shape it gladly through fire, water and pressure ~ instructed by the movement of Soul.
SInce I was conceived suffering was breathing her sulfurique breath down my neck
Life tempered me through great and regular sufferings from birth propelling me to a multitude of foster care 'homes', through being a war child in Beirut then a refugee in France, to then being regularly and brutally violated until early adulthood by two adults who were perhaps to traumatised to mature.
What a fierce and fine training for where we are as a species.
Soul called me to her bosom when i had given up on humans relations including my own possible humanity. I created havoc bringing much suffering to my immediate surrounding. The claws of our colonising culture grabbed me ruthlessly.
Like many of you I was diagnosed, pathologised, institutionalised and medicalised due to behaving 'oddly' and attempting suicide a few times.
Each Death visited event happened at the crucial stages where my Soul called for a rite of Passage, when my psyche was ripening for an initiation into the next ecosophical manifestation of what being a true human means.
Our society does not want true initiated subversive and mature humans
Soul saw through the thick spell of pathologies (the science of suffering) and spoke to me through the seasons of the wild lands, earth rooted art and the sacred ways of the marginals and outcasts.
Soul whispered to me of "pathosophy" (the wisdom of suffering) since being a child.
I "knew" somehow that all this suffering will eventually be of use to others and to Life.
Earth told me and deeply dreamt me through earth~based ceremonies, deep rituals, renegotiating ancestral contracts and mending what was broken through Making the world of my Longing.
Each longing being a thread of Soul's wild imagination for a balanced way of Life.
She, Soul, speaks through you as well, through your deepest longings. I would say dare your life to give that longing to the thriving of Life. What else is there to do?
So i propose that there is a deep wisdom belonging to our earth that knows when our soul needs an initiation ~ that time requires a death of one state of being to transmute into the more mature state so we can serve life fully ~ all in response to the community we live in of humans and non humans.
Most of us have not been ‘passaged’ , have not been guided by the initiated Elders nor the mycelium of deep connection with all our relatives, them beings trees, animals, fungies, the living and the dead, the visible and the no-thing.
I propose that ~ Our earth’s wisdom and care weave her psyche within ours through Pathosophy.
'SOUL Activism is when Maturing as a Species becomes a Graceful and Rebellious act!'
We sit in Council of all Beings, we Tend to the Children of all Species, we Initiate our Young ones, we claim our Elders, we Ancestralise our Dead and we recreate Community as a service to all of Life. Our Declaration is : "no laws and no decisions shall pass that in any way could harm the children of all species" FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE DURING THE EXTINCTION REBELLION INTERNATIONAL ACTIONS IN LONDON 7th to 20th Oct 2019 | Earth Wisdom Tenders We are called the ‘Earth Wisdom Tenders’and are an eclectic group of people who are learning to deeply listen to the earth and the non human world, to honour their wisdom and knowledge, and to hear what they need from us right now at this time of crisis and extinction. We are guided by the wisdom of the past and indigenous cultures and peoples of the present, we work with the cycles and rhythm of the earth, the planets and cosmos and with what we perceive as the great mystery. Many of us feel grief and great poverty that we have lost these missing practices that were and are woven in intimacy with our living world. In the past we may have been labelled as pagans, druids, witches or hippies. This longing to find a place of belonging and healing has created a re-emergence and a rewriting of these ancient ways, through ceremonies, rituals, initiation and rites of passage, to enable our deep soul connection and wisdom to reawaken. We sit in Council of all Beings, we Tend to the Children of all Species, we Initiate our Young ones, we claim our Elders, we Ancestralise our Dead and we recreate Community as a service to all of Life. We are called the Earth Wisdom Tenders : Tending to all Life on Earth in our troubled time "We are Earth Wisdom Tenders... When all sentient beings are our sisters and brothers When we remember that we belong to the living web of Life When no laws and no decisions shall pass that in any way could harm the children of all species When we know that our Earth talks through us of her deep knowledge and wisdom We are Earth Wisdom Tenders when no land, no waters and no one is owned, colonised nor commercialised for power and control. Our dear Earth is 4.5 billions years of age, she is our Wise Elder whom we learn from and tend to”. With Love and Cœurage Earth Wisdom Tenders |
"Oh Liberty, hear us, and speak in behalf of but one individual, for a great fire is started with a small spark. Oh Liberty, awaken but one heart with the rustling of thy wings, for from one cloud alone comes the lightning which illuminates the pits of the valleys and the tops of the mountains. Disperse with thy power these black clouds and descend like thunder and destroy the thrones that were built upon the bones and skulls of our ancestors."
— Kahlil Gibran
All Welcome | These Bones represents all our Ancestors who have not been Honoured ~ of all Species. These Bones represent our Mother Earth Stones Everyone longs and deserves an honorable ancestralising It is our Duty of Care to tend to our dead We will Gather the Bones, sooth them with pigments, red ochre and oil, we will create an altar on site and let the tide take our prayers. It will be temporary Altar for the Ancestors of All Species to be tended to, blessed and loved with courage. We will seek the support and healing from the Well and Wise Ancestors to gather and bless the living to thrive during the Actions and beyond BRING: Drum Rattle Pigments and oils Songs |
What does it take to shift from a Rough Initiation to a Sacred Initiation?
“Grief is subversive, undermining the quiet agreement to behave and be in control of our emotions. It is an act of protest that declares our refusal to live numb and small.
There is something feral about grief, something essentially outside the ordained and sanctioned behaviors of our culture. Because of that, grief is necessary to the vitality of the soul. Contrary to our fears, grief is suffused with life-force.... It is not a state of deadness or emotional flatness.
Grief is alive, wild, untamed and cannot be domesticated. It resists the demands to remain passive and still. We move in jangled, unsettled, and riotous ways when grief takes hold of us. It is truly an emotion that rises from the soul.”
― Francis Weller
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. Edgar Allan Poe
From a full heart! Warm greetings from beautiful Totnes, UK and the river Dart ~ The seal and the heron are here, flowers have exploded in Eros beauty and all trees are now with a 1000 greens... This is a well overdue Newsletter! https://mailchi.mp/f3db1b…/the-initiatory-dance-of-rebellion I don't know about you but it has been incredibly EPIC in my life and the ones around me since the start of last November ...#extinctionrebellion #strike4climate #culturedeclaresemergency #deepadaptation #earthprotectors ... SOULand has been engaged in the above adding threads to its active prayer: Making the World of our Longing in small and steady ways Below are some these moments with links. And few INVITATIONs to JOIN SOULand Programme more details as youscroll down: ~ WOMEN INITIATION~ A yearlong Ensouling and Creative journey ~ GRIEF and SOUL APPRENTICESHIP~ A year long for men and women ~eARThONLINE SHOP~ Open ~ Earth Temples in Cities~ London first? ~ SOULand Grief Apprenticeship enFrancewith Pablo Servigne and Nans Thomassey ~ London Water Pilgrimagelaunches XR Actions on 15th April ~ Extinction Rebellion April's Actions in London. Our Totnes community had a strong and wonderful presence on Waterloo Bridge that we occupied and transformed into a Garden Bridge for 7 days and nights. The Black Tent was there as an Earth Temple for rest and mend our broken relationship to our Living World. It was a deeply transformational experience. We are now gathering the learning and soon will be preparing for the next Actions... ~ POLLY HIGGINS ~ R.I.P When our dear Polly died on 21st April I fell on Waterloo Bridge while the police made a mass arrest and rebels sang love songs, Greta spoke at Marble Arch that day and it was Earth Day ~ The next day I felt moved to create a ritual of 40 days of mourning and Ancestralisingvigil for Polly Higgins~ Ways of honouring our dead ~ to accompany the ones we love to the shore of their ancestors. This will be made into a little book for her hubby Ian and team. Here is Day 27 of (40). If you want one booklet emailme with a bit about you and Polly :[email protected] ~ Culture Declares Emergency~ Arts and Culture organisations and individuals declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency SOULand has declared Emergency and so have I as an Individual! Deep Adaptation proposed by Jem Bendell~ Learning each day about the 4 R's after our gathering last December with Jem and 35 others rebels. ~ Resilience ~ Relinquishment ~ Restoration ~ Reconciliation Who best but the bees to know these 4 R's ~ My latest flag of the Dark Matter and Anima Mundi Series: The Bees... They have been here for 120 million years... SOULand Programme and projects ~ GRIEF and SOUL APPRENTICESHIP~ A year long for men and women in 2019 and 2020 ~ Women Initiation~ A Yearlong EnSouling and Creative journey in 2020 ~ Earth Temples in Cities~ wild and wonderful dreams To create one on the edges of Waterloo Bridge, near the River Isis/Thames where the IMAX cinema is at the moment. Working group happening in Totnes twice a month. EVENTSand PROGRAMME the next few months SOULand at FESTIVALS 19th to 21st July Hawkwood College, UK ~ Seeds Festival in Stroud I will bring my eARTh, theEarth Temple in the CityVision, a Grief Composting Ritualand a Water blessing ceremony ~~~~~ 8th to 12th August, near Frome, UK~ WomanFest UK I will be there with the Black Tent and part of SOULand Programme AZUL eARTh New eARTh pieces: " Dark Matter and Anima Mundi" and "Archetypal Daimons" now available to purchase as Cards, Print and Giclé on canvas. A Little Shop is now OPEN ~~~ SOULand dans la Drome en FRANCE ~ SOULand Grief Apprenticeship enFrancewith Pablo Servigne and Nans Thomassey 15 Juin a Die~ Azul Valerie Thome en Conference avecPablo Servigneet Nans Thomassey 16 Juin pres de Die~ Azul Valerie Thome offreun Cercle de compostagede Deuil 12 au15 Decembre 2019 pres de Die~ AprentisSAGE de l'Ame et du Deuil arrive enFrance Plusd'infos:[email protected] ALSO... an ONLINE Grief and Homecoming for XR a Grief Composting for the Rebellionin Totnes, UK ~ 26th June a Water Ceremony will happen in Oxford on 14th July by Isis River. a WomBelt :Weaving Women back into Matter, Totnes, UK ~ 3rd August A bientot dear all and stay connected in these troubled and extraordinary times... Rest in Peace and in Love dear Polly xx with Love, Azul Valerie Thome www.souland.org |
"SOULand is a response to our uninitiated, traumatised, collapsing and transforming world. "Initiation is a invitation to wildly court and lean into the SOUL of four Sisters - Grief, Love, Death and Birth. There is no true initiation without the ‘small’ death of our personality, our set positioning in life or our childlike naivety. The Message of Water | SOULand: Making the World of our Longing... Longing is the language of SOUL. A current moving through us, whispering wildly to us how to come back Home to Anima Mundi ~ The Soul of the World. What does longing have to do with an Apprenticeship to Soul and Grief? . Most of us behave as if we were homeless to our SOUL and orphaned to our Earth with great consequences. When we feel deep longings moving through our bodies and through our dreams we are blessed by SOUL. So what happens to these Longings? Why are we in such dire state if SOUL constantly speaks through our imagination, hearts and dreams? Are they like seeds falling on concrete? What does our SOUL need? These longings moving through us... could be bringing us to one of the initiatory gates of grief. Grief of not being welcome, wanted, enough, or of not knowing enough, have enough support, money, skills etc...Paralysis, shame and envy can become the new guests in our beings. Grief is a gate that most of us want to avoid at all costs, even if it costs us our lives ~ therefore we never move beyond the call of SOUL. An initiation to empower us to create the world of our longing is miscarried. We stop, numb and stay small not to feel our sadness, our numbness, our fears and anger. We are not skilled in Grief neither in Love. A terrible poverty takes place in our heart and imagination. SOULand provides collective spaces for the release of our sacred grief, so we can meet ourselves as creative gifted human beings ~ a little more empowered and resourced to make the World of our Longing as a great gift... ~~~ Grief Composting Circles The Grief Compositing Circles are communal rituals of 4 hours infused with beauty and connection with all beings, humans and all others. Grief in this context is the welcoming of anger, fear, sadness, despair, numbness and the mystery of all these emotions as we welcome them in a collective safe space. The Circles hold an important part in total darkness as if in a compost heap, a womb or a kiva. Sounds and wailing are freely used to encourage our wild and sensuous selves to be present. Wild means of the sensuous land and waters, not feral or out of control! The circles weave also the work of Francis Weller ~ Joanna Macy ~ Sobonfu Some ~ Steven Jenkinson and Martin Pretchel among others. ~~~ Conversations with Grief and Water Conversations with Grief of Water is a series of interviews with women and men engaged fully with our collapsing world, our dying systems and our grief. People engaged with deep love and longing to fully participate in our world in ways of soul and beauty. They respond to the message of Water received on 2nd of December. So far I have spoken with and recorded Joanna Macy, Simon Be, Li An Phoa, Jon Young, Francis Weller, Manda Scott, Pat McCabe, Megan Hollingsworth, Stephan Harding, Pablo Servigne and Stephen Jenkinson... each one bringing a thread for a cloth weaving in the past, present and future... I anticipate mystery and our bone memory to be awakened by it. |
"Thank you SOULand for turning your gentle light onto long forgotten place and spaces which were desolate and ghost like within me. " Apprentice
"The strong, robust and respectful container you wove created a space for me to express my grief in all its wild forms. I love that.
The emphasis on personal responsibility and sovereignty is a welcome addition to allow me to find my own way." Apprentice
Women all over our Earth are gathering and rising from the ashes of genocides, slavery and betrayal. There is a new tide and all of life is at stake! Time to mature and offer our gifts fully with the support and blessing of our Sisterhood! Women...
The sisterhood is gathering... | When I was kindly invited to the first WomanFest near Frome, Uk last year, I had no sense of what I was going to. I just could not say no! Something in its calling courted me. All was in place for the Grief Composting Circle and WomBelt to be offered to this extraordinary and timeless gathering! My luggage were mostly filled with yarn and my heart growing with trepidation to arrive on the edges of what we know where life thrives! I was not sure why I went all the way from Slovenia to Frome...until I got there. I soon found a tree, tied myself to her and wove a WomBelt ...for three days. I invited many Women to write on a tiny scroll the World of their deepest Longing. Each piece of fabric was carefully rolled up and inserted in the 4 meters WomBelt. Many tears and heart sharing were witnessed by that sweet tree, delighted she was to see us women so raw and real. The belt was then offered to Tiana Jacoult who held the original vision of WomanFest. We know what it costs to hold Visions to better our world. We need support from all willing. Three of us wrapped the belt around her womb and hips to bless, protect, guide and praise all of her future actions in service to our world's well being and sanity. Women all over our Earth are gathering and rising from the ashes of genocides, slavery and betrayal. There is a new tide and all of life is at stake! Time to mature and offer our gifts fully with the support and blessings of our sisterhood! SOULand will be present at WomanFest this year in a Black Tent created especially by the Blissfull Belltent . We will be in the woods at the radically participatory WomanFest 2019 this Aug. We will be there for the Maturing of Women's Soul offering tasters of the full programme of SOULand. ~ Inner Council of a woman Queen ~ ~ Black Tent Council for menopausal women ~ ~ WomBelt: Weaving Women Back into Matter ~ Returning to Earth what has been Stolen ~ ~ Grief Composting apprenticeship ~ ~ Soul ripening emergent rituals ~ ~ Earth Temple ~ ~ eARTh: Art Infused with Ritual... for Earth! All this to prepare and ripen each woman to offer her praise to Life, her Genius and her Innate Gifts to our dear Mother Earth in our incredibly enlivening, troubling & transmuting times... Azul-Valerie Thome SOULand: Making the World of our Longing www.souland.org |
How can a human-built space restore a broken relationship with the natural world? The temple is a place to welcome all, locals, passer-bys or refugees. We would like to offer the opportunity to engage and explore the different facets of this project : | How can a human-built space restore a broken relationship with the natural world? The vision is for Earth Temples to be built on the edge of all cities and respond to this question. The Earth Temple is a round place to rest, reflect, reconnect and restore our relationship to the natural world. It is a place of belonging to the Earth that is open to all; a place of beauty, made of local natural materials, and designed to include the presence of all beings of the natural world. We are sharing this vision along with first architectural drawings to invite you and hear from you if and how you would like to imagine engaging in bringing this vision into life - from model making to the finding of place, the realisation and the tending of the space. The design of the Earth Temple Touching the drawings on paper, you may imagine the warmth within thick walls of Earth and the unique sense of refuge in the city found in the silence of this space. The Earth Temple is envisioned to be 26 meters wide, round, made of natural material found on site. Its four entrances are designed to celebrate the Sun in the East, Water and Plants in the South, Earth and Soil in the West, Air and Animals in the North. An olive tree stands in the center as a symbol of peace and the sculpture of a woman and a man seating. The roof is made of glass. Within the walls are places of rest and underground at the center is a kiva, a dark cave, a place of reflection and deep listening. The temple is a place to welcome all, locals, passer-bys or refugees. At the first gathering in Totnes around the vision of Earth Temples, we started imagining Totnes as a potential place to welcome a first Earth Temple. We would like to offer the opportunity to engage and explore the different facets of this project :
Please do get in touch with questions and remarks, or suggestions of people to contact to make this happen. The vision of Earth Temples in Cities was brought to life by Azul-Valérie Thomé, designer of rituals, artist and activist devoted to restoring humanity back to a deep relationship with the Earth. She holds an MA in Ecological Design Thinking from Schumacher College and is currently based in Totnes. Azul Valérie Thomé for SOULand www.souland.org MEETING ARE HAPPENING IN TOTNES in 2019. See Facebook Page for more details or email me :[email protected] |
River of Words and Images by Azul Thomé:
A place to lay what moves, touches and inspires.
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