A page to honour my teachers and the trainings I have taken so far
EARTH WISDOM and cosmologyWaters, stones, stars, horses, dogs, raven, fire, winds, seasons, trees, storms...
Rainbow Hawk and Wind Eagle Brian Swimme Joanna Macy Stephan Harding Stephen Buhner Satish Kumar Dr Clarissa Pinkol Estes Healing & Vision quests Sweat Lodges Rainbow Lodges Bill Plotkins Colin Campbell Pat McCabe Lyla June Johnston Rites of Passages Multitude of descents, breakdowns and what I call Sacred Composting… Soul WOMENs initiationFeminine Power Mastery - 9 months online course
Celebration of Being uk Gina Holland and Debbie Beauchamps -Goddess -Noble Men -Power of Love -Queen 13 Original Clan Mother (ongoing) learning Earth Heart Centre: with Jewel Wingfield Moon Waters Lodges: with Tegwyn Hyndman Red Tent Movement My own initiation of the Black Tent for menopausal women Bear, Salmon, Hare, Weavers etc...: with Carolyn Hillyer |
River, Soil, Wood, Metal, Mountains, Winds, Compost heaps, Wren, Golden Crest, Raven, Trees, Mycelium, Bees, Seeds...
Collective and personal GRIEF tending workFrancis Weller http://www.wisdombridge.net www.francisweller.net
Stephen Jenkinson http://orphanwisdom.com/Writing practice and grief work Natalie Goldberg http://nataliegoldberg.com/ Active Hope by Joanna Macy – how to face the mess we’re in without going crazy – a book, and online resources. Joanna Macy’s website – www.joannamacy.net Sobonfu Some R.I.P : www.sobonfu.com Martin Pretchel http://floweringmountain.com/boladskitchen/index.html Grief and Praise: Martin Pretchel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6h3JNOCTYc Carolyn Baker: carolynbaker.net Mary Oliver Martin Shaw Carolyn Hillyer Rumi Children... Life, Death, Grief and Gratitude TRANSFORMATION - training
All the above
AND MA ( Masters of Arts) in Ecological Design Thinking at Schumacher College in 2016: the eARTh of Collective Grieving as if Life and Death really Mattered Ancient Earth Wisdom training since 1997 Person centered Counseling Diploma - Carl Rogers work Permaculture Design Art therapy foundation course in Exeter Various Facilitation trainings in Devon and London Work that Reconnects with Joanna Macy in UK Non Violent Communication ~ NVC in London Way of Council training Devon |
My deep gratitude! May you all be blessed by Love, Grief, Death and Life bound in Imagination and Beauty. Azul-Valérie Thomé |