- SOULand BOOKS by Azul Thomé
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- 9 passAGES to Die Alive - by Azul Thomé
9 passAGES to Die Alive - by Azul Thomé
A Wheel of 9 rites of passAGES
From Conception to becoming an Ancestor
To guide our souls to ripen through the many deaths of a lifetime
by Azul Thomé
Dedicated to Roman Thomé Stamegna my beautiful son
to Mathieu Thomé my dear brother
and to all Lovers with Life
SNIPPETS from the book===============================
We are mostly born unwelcomed, we get old uninitiated,
we die unaccompanied and uncounted upon…
How to repair such tearing of the individual and collective Soul ?
It is never too late to be fully welcomed to life, to create a ceremony to mark our threshold time of puberty or to experience the composting alchemy of the menopause or andropause. Wherever you find yourself on the wheel, all other passAGES are reachable - Past, present, future are all into motion, accessible through our rooted presence, gratitude and offerings.
If these words quake your soul a little this book might be for you.
Our culture is depleted and exhausted.
To feed the depleted and exhausted soil of our souls is through many generous offerings. The soul of our dear Earth longs for the maturing of her human children. We can act on becoming delicious compost to feed the soil of the soul of the next generations - of all species.
To passAGE: time for a new verb and new life purpose?
This book is an attempt at offering a cartography, a wheel, a map for our human lives to find sacred weird* and wonder filled ways through the inevitable passAGES of the soul.
The soul will go through initiatory passAGES whether or not we are prepared for them.
It is a book with practices and invitations to create shrines, altars, rituals and ceremonies that are rooted in our intimate relationship with the invisible worlds, with the living worlds and with the future unborn generations.
Soul today is a sacred and starving, hidden and abandoned compost heap.
What can we put in place to feel welcome, initiated as adults, accompanied at the time of death to the shore of our well and wise ancestors and act through our lives as if we were needed!
How can we prepare each of the 9 passAGES to live through the many small deaths of a Lifetime and to die alive?
Who with and what for?
We can, like the way of the salmon, go back to the source of our lives where we place precious new seeds that have fallen in the cracks that are tearing apart the edges of our lives.
We are needed, all of us, each one of us, to feed the soil and soul of Life on Earth.
The brutality of the culture we just about survive each night and day has us falling deeper still into a great amnesia of our soul rituals and ceremonies. Starving our souls famishes the soul of our Earth. What we call ‘rituals’ are now part of a big money making industry while perpetuating suffering for all. We gasp at the industry around birth, we are baffled at the industry of puberty, we drown in debts within the industry of marriage&divorce and the great industry born from the wars with illness and death will certainly knock us out taking into granted that we are still standing rooted.
All such industries are essentially held by greedy men, they are part of great big money making corporations insatiably ravenous for more positions of dominance and privilege for the few.
There are all sorts of rebellions. passAGES is a queer and sacred one!
The Wheel of 9 rites of passAGES - To guide our souls to live through deaths and die alive
From Conception to becoming an Ancestor. To live through the many small deaths of a lifetime and to feed the possibility of dying alive while being in service to Life and birth a few Elders along the way!
The 9 passAGES are:
1~Conception -
2~Birth -
3~Child -
4~Adolescent -
5~Young Adult -
6~Mature Adult -
7~Elder -
8~Dead -
9~Ancestor -
(270 pages)
Thank you very much for your order.
Until we meet again, take good care of all who matter to you.
Azul Thome